What is Varonve?

Varonve is a new generation PFP. Each character is unique and provides specific use cases within the Space Hub.

What is Space Hub?

Space Hub is the meeting point for Varonve owners. Within Space Hub, Varonve owners gain early access to the brand's physical products, NFTs and Token Drops. They participate in governance decisions regarding DAO voting and the progression of Lore. Additionally, each Varonve can be staked, gaining levels and accumulating points based on the staked duration. These points can be used in the OTC market.


The Varonve Collection consists of 5555 unique characters in a Cyberpunk-Anime fusion art style. Some characters from the Collection are used within the Collection's storyline.


The Varonve story is released in seasons every two weeks, supported by visual content. In the future, we will extend access to the story through onchain methods for Varonve owners.

Why Scroll

Given Ethereum's roadmap towards layer 2 solutions, we believe that ecosystems on layer 2 will expand further in the near future. Scroll's community-focused mission suggests that it will be at the forefront of zk Rollup futures. This foundational belief is the most significant reason for positioning Varonve on Scroll.